Cloncurry Mural Trail

Turn art appreciation into a treasure hunt as you follow the Cloncurry Mural Trail. As you traverse the streets of Cloncurry, you’ll find expansive masterpieces that depict outback life, mining heritage and the beauty of the outback landscapes and wildlife.

There are a number of thought-provoking artworks throughout the Cloncurry region. The trail includes:

Above All Else

By the Zookeeper

Covering two walls, at right angles to one another, it pays tribute to the pilots and ground crew who were, in effect, the first responders in the event.

“The great inland sea speaks to the magnitude of the flood. An inland sea only passable by boat and aircraft. This work looks to reflect the contrast of the land from drought to flood.

It remembers the livestock lost in the monsoonal floods of 2019. Hundreds of thousands of animals were caught up in unimaginable levels of rain. Faced with devastating loss, helicopter pilots worked day and night for weeks on end. These men and women delivered feed to the animals that had survived by reaching higher ground.

This is a moment in time that will never be forgotten.”
~ Joel Fergie, 2020

Location: Cloncurry Equestrian Centre

Every Little Thing

By the Zookeeper

A single wall mural that shows the care and compassion that helped the people of Cloncurry face the devastation.

“While visiting Burke and Wills I had a number of conversations with people in the region and they explained their wish to focus on the care that a farmer has for their animals.

During the floods many farmers were criticised for not having ‘done more’ to save their animals, a deeply traumatic criticism to hear and one far from the thoughtfulness and consideration that goes into raising animals.

This work touches on the nurturing aspect of cattle farming, depicting a farmer rescuing a poddy calf from the flood waters.”
~ Joel Fergie, 2020

Location: Burke & Wills Roadhouse


By the Zookeeper

Stonemasonry and Metalworking
By John and Jack Green

A stone and steel sculpture constructed with assistance from local fabricators (John and Jack Green).

It echoes the aftermath of the floods when the waters receded and the rescue began.

“The term flood sparks visions of heavy rain and fast flowing water. We picture cattle washed away and rivers destroying bridges and homes. The 2019 Monsoonal Floods saw slow-moving water, strong wind, and cold weather combine to cause devastation. It is difficult to comprehend, but a vast landscape was left underwater.

This artwork looks to depict the aftermath of this moment in time, the water has settled, but the muddy footprints remain.”
~ Joel Fergie, 2020

Location: Cloncurry Unearthed Visitor Information Centre

The Eagle

By the Zookeeper

Stonemasonry and Metalworking
By John and Jack Green

The epic Eagle sculpture that is situated on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Eco Walk comes from the creative outback artist Joel Fergie, also known as The Zoo Keeper. The sculpture encapsulates the grand nature of the wedge-tailed eagle, a bird found around the Cloncurry region.

Location: Cloncurry Eco Trail