Five Days in Cloncurry

This five-day itinerary, exploring Cloncurry, is suited best to high-clearance vehicles. There are accommodation sites at Cloncurry, Duchess, Dajarra, Quamby, Kajabbi and Burke and Wills Roadhouse. Self-sufficient traveller? Check out the free campsites at Cloncurry, Mary Kathleen and Corella Dam/Clem Walton Park.

Please keep in mind that the order of this itinerary may not suit your travel plans and you may want to reorder the day trips to suit your direction of travel. We would recommend checking a map and adjusting the itinerary to suit your travels best, to save driving the same roads twice.

  • Drive into Cloncurry and feel the slower pace of outback life wash over you. You could easily spend more than a day exploring everything Cloncurry has to offer.

    1. Cloncurry Unearthed Visitor Information Centre and Museum - Be sure to make this your first stop, to see the friendly staff who can help assist you in your travels. Wrapping around the visitor information centre, the museum showcases Cloncurry’s rich history. Exhibitions include mining, agriculture and aviation displays, artefacts from pioneering explorers and the story of the big personalities that shape Outback Queensland.
    2. John Flynn Place Museum – Cloncurry is the birthplace of the Royal Flying Doctor Service, which was founded by John Flynn in 1928. The museum records an era of technological advance, when aviation and radio overcame the isolation of vast tracts of Australia.
    3. Heritage Tour – Unearth the key historical sites around the Cloncurry township, including beautiful heritage buildings and monuments to key historical events. Pick up A Heritage Tour of Cloncurry brochure at the Cloncurry Unearthed Visitor Information Centre, to help you around the self-guided tour.
    4. Sunset at the Cloncurry Lookout – The Cloncurry Lookout is located at the turnoff to Chinaman Creek Dam, it is the perfect location to watch our amazing outback sunsets.
  • If you are heading out to explore the Cloncurry Shire, be sure to take a trip south, to explore Cloncurry’s history and experience outback living.

    1. Kuridala (74km south of Cloncurry) – Once a mining township, Kuridala is now marked by skeletons of the past in the form of mining stacks still dotted throughout the landscape. A little further past the old mine are the amethyst fields. Be sure to get your fossicking license either online or at the visitor information centre before you set off to fossick.
    2. Duchess (132 km south of Cloncurry) – This former mining town is situated on the rail line between Cloncurry and Mount Isa and is home to the quaint, but character-rich Duchess Hotel.
    3. Dajarra (180km south of Cloncurry) – Once the largest trucking depot in the world, Dajarra is now a quiet and laid back outback town.

    You can choose to head back to Cloncurry or stay the night in Dajarra at the hotel or campgrounds.

  • With Cloncurry’s rich history, no matter which direction you head, you’ll stumble upon a historic site.

    1. Clem Walton Park/Corella Dam (55km west of Cloncurry) – Built to provide water for the nearby Mary Kathleen Mining Township, the dam is now a scenic campground and great place for bird watching. Clem Walton Park and Corella Dam are free campsites.
    2. Mary Kathleen Mine (68km west of Cloncurry) – The township of Mary Kathleen was home to 1,000 people in its heyday. The once bustling mining town is now a ghost town. The old open cut mine is an Instagram worthy shot with the beautiful aquamarine water.
    3. Ballara Mining Heritage Trail (turn off 60km west of Cloncurry) – The trail consists of the old mining towns of Ballara, Hightville and Bulonga. These towns had pubs and general stores dating back to the 1910’s. Now all that remains is what once was the railway and some old equipment. The drive is open for 4WD access. The trail also encompasses Fountain Springs, a spectacular crevice waterfall and permanent spring within Fountain Range. If you are lucky enough and rain has been in the area you may see the waterfall flowing. Pick up your copy of the Ballara Mining Heritage Trail brochure at Cloncurry Unearthed Visitor Information Centre and ask staff any questions you have about accessing the trail.

    You can choose to head back to Cloncurry or stay the night at Clem Walton Park or Mary Kathleen township (suitable for caravans and motorhomes).

    1. Quamby (45km north of Cloncurry) – Once a railway town servicing the cattle and mining industries, now all that remains is a refurbished pub. The Quamby Pub was originally built in the 1860’s and was recently restored and opened up to the public again. Each year in July, Quamby comes alive the famous Quamby Rodeo.
    2. Kajabbi (*link to webpage) (100km north of Cloncurry) – A small town with a population of 10, Kajabbi’s railhead was a key component in outback Queensland’s mining operations in the 1920’s. The town’s Kalkadoon Pub reopened in 2022 and is worth a visit to have a chat with the local residents and enjoy the relaxed outback lifestyle.
    3. Burke and Wills Roadhouse (*link to webpage) (180km north of Cloncurry) – The Burke and Wills Roadhouse is exactly what you would expect from an outback roadhouse; complete with cold beer, tasty burgers, interesting characters, country charm and a road train or two parked out front.

    You can choose to head back to Cloncurry or stay the night in each of the towns north of Cloncurry.

    1. Qantas Hangar – One of the original Qantas hangars is located at the Cloncurry Airport. You can view the original building’s exterior, however as it is a functional hangar. Read about its history and Cloncurry’s involvement in the birth of Qantas on the storyboards that line the western side of the building.
    2. Cemeteries – Cloncurry has a number of older cemeteries in the town including the Chinese, Afghan, original Cloncurry and old cemetery. All locations have storyboards that provide information on the cemeteries. Did you know that Dame Mary Gilmore is buried in Cloncurry’s old cemetery? Drop in the Cloncurry Unearthed Visitor Information Centre to pick up brochures that will enhance this experience; grab a copy of A Heritage Tour of Cloncurry and Dame Mary Gilmore brochures.
    3. Chinaman Creek Dam – It wouldn’t be a visit to Cloncurry if you didn’t relax and unwind at Chinaman Creek Dam. If you fish, swim, paddleboard or picnic, there is something for everyone to enjoy at the dam. The newly refurbished recreation area has a great playground, picnic area, amenities, boat ramp and more.